Little Mysteries

I haven’t written recently because I’ve had too much to say. 

The task was too big to manage, which taught me that I need the ability to make small work. Sometimes, because the ideas are coming fast and furious, I want to get the thoughts out in art form now and not as a yearlong, room-sized project. 

I tried working smaller a few years ago with my so-called miniatures, which were just 3” tall, but then I made them 80 feet wide. No longer small. 

So, I gave it another shot and have been making little mixed-media mysteries. 5x7 max. 

These pieces use the themes and imagery that fascinated me when making my paper and silk rabbit installation and the kraft paper shoes. So, it’s all of that, but without the realism. Without the rabbit. Without the shoe.


About the Rabbits


A Very Small Forest