
Artists are told to keep a sketchbook, and I do. It’s where I record ideas and notes for future projects. My sketchbook is messy, scribbly and not beautiful, but useful.

Perhaps just as important as my sketchbooks is the folder I keep on my desktop called “Art Inspiration.” Inside that folder are screen captures of everything and anything I come across on the internet that inspires me. Opening that folder and browsing the images reveals patterns and suggests direction for my future work.

My most recent screen captures show a current fascination with shadows, translucency, silhouettes and images of astronauts and outer space. Months ago, I was fascinated by historic clothing, oil rigs, telephone lines, chickenwire and fencing. Before that, it was garment factories, their workers and the Triangle Shirtwaist fire. Below you can see how images of tree lines, asemic writing and graphics in conservation textbooks moved from my inspiration folder to this finished piece, a pair of paper sculptural boots.

This screenshot practice works so well for me, I had to share it.

Can’t remember how to do a screenshot? Here you go!


Anthropocene at METHOD


Paper Cuts